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Best Practices Concerning Eco-Conscious Living

Aug 16, 2022

Best Practices Concerning Eco-Conscious Living

With pollution and climate control being two very real issues that we find ourselves facing today, most of us should be switching to more eco-friendly lifestyles to help do our bit to negate the harmful effects of pollution on our planet in any way we can. These eco-conscious choices to do right by our planet include factors such as what we eat, what we wear, or even where we decide to live. If that’s you, and you’re up for a drastic lifestyle change, here are the best practices on how to live the eco-friendly way every day of the week.


Recycle what you can as often as you can

Recycling is one way to minimize the burden of waste in landfills and to ease the burden on our natural resources. However, recycling does require some basic knowledge beforehand to ensure that you are following recycling best practices. Therefore, be sure to read up on what types of items are recyclable and which are not, and how to prepare these materials before they are ready to be shipped off to the recycling center. For example, some types of single-use plastics aren’t suitable for recycling such as plastic straws, plastic coffee lids, and styrofoam, for example, while other types of plastics are such as milk cartons, detergent bottles, and the plastic used in children’s toys, for instance. Again, recycling is not always a cut and dry process and does require some reading up to know the difference between PET and HDPE materials, for instance, so you’ll know what to do with which and what to avoid buying altogether.


Composting at Home and Work

Practicing composting on a daily basis is not just for those with a keen interest in gardening. In fact, composting organic waste (not including animal by-products) is an excellent way to do your bit to conserve the environment – naturally. Furthermore, when you decide to compost, your garden will be grateful. Composted organic matter can be converted into rich nutrients that the soil and plants need to grow well. In addition to this, the more you compost, the less waste will end up in landfills, which means fewer greenhouse emissions. You can even bring home uneaten food from your office and add it to your compost.


Skip the ride and run or cycle instead

If your commute to and from work every day is minimal, why not opt to skip driving there and jog or cycle there instead?  By choosing to go this eco-friendly route, you could be assisting in global efforts to reduce carbon footprints on the earth, which could end up slowing down the dramatic rate at which climate change is progressing – often with dire consequences. 


Choosing eco-friendly living quarters


Choosing an eco-friendly home is just as important as making those significant lifestyle changes, too. Homes nowadays are evolving in style and functionality for the better to take into account these pressing environmental issues. 


Solar panels

Solar paneled houses are a growing trend these days due to energy consumption concerns worldwide. Moreover, you can save a ton of money in household power expenses too by using the sun’s energy to power your electrical devices for you. Dual pane windows are another way to conserve household energy, keeping your house warmer for longer in summer and noticeably cooler in winter. Of course, make sure to keep records of all these upgrades should you decide to sell your property one day, as these changes will certainly increase the value of your property. And don’t forget to take pictures either because in this case, pictures really will speak a thousand words when it comes to showcasing these valuable features.


Conserve water

Conserving this precious resource is yet another way to really commit to eco-conscious living. And with global warming significantly impacting weather patterns worldwide, leading to flooding and droughts in many countries, finding ways to conserve water is of paramount importance. So be sure to switch off taps when not in use, repurpose water where you can, and hold off on dishwashing until the next full load. 


Lifestyle choices for the betterment of the planet

There’s no doubt about it. Deciding to live an eco-friendly lifestyle not only comes with its cost-saving benefits, but every thoughtful action will go towards benefitting the planet for the betterment of all.